Feedback? Ideas? Complaints? Suggestions? Request for report about other area? send me a message!
This page was generated using data obtained on 2024-03-28. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

link leads to a disambig page - not a proper wikipedia link (according to Wikidata - if target is not a disambig check Wikidata entry whether it is correct)

Babańce is 10 km away
Berżałowce is 9 km away
Berżniki is 8 km away
Bierżałowce is 11 km away
Bosse (województwo podlaskie) is 9 km away
Bubele is 6 km away
Burbiszki is 8 km away
Cyganowo (Sumowo) is 6379 km away
Degucie (województwo podlaskie) is 10 km away
Dubowo (województwo podlaskie) is 10 km away

Kalwiszki - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(3009663636)['wikidata'='Q120356228']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['link to a disambiguation page']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q2811824 vs Q5299553 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Kamienna Nowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(2180364841)['wikidata'='Q2811824']['wikipedia'='pl:Kamienna Nowa (przystanek kolejowy)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch']

invalid old-style wikipedia tag

wikipedia tag in outdated form (wikipedia:by), is not using any known language code
Garbary - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia tag in outdated form (wikipedia:by), is not using any known language code
Łuka - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11125459823)['wikipedia:by'='Гарбары']; node(11125459825)['wikipedia:by'='Лука_(Падляскае_ваяводзтва)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['invalid old-style wikipedia tag']

information board with wikipedia tag, not subject:wikipedia

information board topic must be tagged with subject:wikipedia tag - not with wikipedia tag
Wielki Gościniec Litewski - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(8987753321)['information'='board']['wikipedia'='pl:Wielki Gościniec Litewski']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['information board with wikipedia tag, not subject:wikipedia']

blacklisted connection with known replacement

it is a typical wrong link and it has an obvious replacement, brand:wikipedia/brand:wikidata should be used instead
Żabka - an affected OSM element that may be improved

it is a typical wrong link and it has an obvious replacement, brand:wikipedia/brand:wikidata should be used instead
Biedronka - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(4239758551)['wikidata'='Q2589061']['wikipedia'='pl:Żabka (sieć sklepów)']; way(1262115565)['wikidata'='Q857182']['wikipedia'='pl:Biedronka (sieć handlowa)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['blacklisted connection with known replacement']

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata and in osm element

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q5103263) where 0410784 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0410910 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Grochy-Pogorzele - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q8082019) where 0407486 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0407374 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Stawiereje Podleśne - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q5740182) where 0041720 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0042122 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Grodzisko - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q5755313) where 0042056 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0042398 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Nowosiółki - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q5119631) where 0099369 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=1011282 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Ciemny Las - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q7377016) where 0401526 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0401510 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Ruda-Skroda - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q5734718) where 0043558 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0043541 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Jurowce - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q9199998) where 0396044 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0395984 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Czyżew - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q8080734) where 0402253 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0402260 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Łopienie-Zyski - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q4981745) where 0410235 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0410577 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Brzóski Stare - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q8145319) where 0410991 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=0411080 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Nowe Zakrzewo - an affected OSM element that may be improved

mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata (Q17333991) where 1010874 is declared and in osm element, where teryt:simc=1010704 is declared. TERYT database may be searched at (switch to SIMC tab)
Przewięź - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(2688911250)['teryt:simc'='0410910']['wikidata'='Q5103263']; node(2900268642)['teryt:simc'='0407374']['wikidata'='Q8082019']; node(3009663229)['teryt:simc'='0042122']['wikidata'='Q5740182']; node(3009665809)['teryt:simc'='0042398']['wikidata'='Q5755313']; node(31525348)['teryt:simc'='1011282']['wikidata'='Q5119631']; node(31572078)['teryt:simc'='0401510']['wikidata'='Q7377016']; node(31576530)['teryt:simc'='0043541']['wikidata'='Q5734718']; node(31598114)['teryt:simc'='0395984']['wikidata'='Q9199998']; node(692601494)['teryt:simc'='0402260']['wikidata'='Q8080734']; node(692601513)['teryt:simc'='0410577']['wikidata'='Q4981745']; node(692602443)['teryt:simc'='0411080']['wikidata'='Q8145319']; node(692618349)['teryt:simc'='1010704']['wikidata'='Q17333991']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['mismatching teryt:simc codes in wikidata and in osm element']

wikipedia tag in outdated form (['wikipedia:en'], with following conflicts: ["en:St.Roch's Church in Białystok gives no link conflicting with another link Q2053935"]). Mismatch between different links happened and requires human judgment to solve.
Kościół św. Rocha - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(43783716)['wikidata'='Q2053935']['wikipedia'='pl:Kościół św. Rocha w Białymstoku']['wikipedia:en'='St.Roch\'s Church in Białystok']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag in outdated form and there is mismatch between links']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects, because wikidata tag points to a redirect that should be followed
article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Sadzawki - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Sadzawki -> pl:Sadzawki (województwo podlaskie)
Sadzawki (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Sucha Wieś - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Sucha Wieś -> pl:Sucha Wieś (wieś)
Sucha Wieś (wieś)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Aleksiejówka - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Aleksiejówka -> pl:Aleksiejówka (województwo podlaskie)
Aleksiejówka (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Romanowce - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Romanowce -> pl:Romanowce (Polska)
Romanowce (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Balinka - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Balinka -> pl:Balinka (Polska)
Balinka (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Kamionka Nowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Kamionka Nowa -> pl:Kamionka Nowa (Polska)
Kamionka Nowa (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Podkamionka - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Podkamionka -> pl:Podkamionka (województwo podlaskie)
Podkamionka (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Pawłowszczyzna - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Pawłowszczyzna -> pl:Pawłowszczyzna (województwo podlaskie)
Pawłowszczyzna (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Pohorany - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Pohorany -> pl:Pohorany (Polska)
Pohorany (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Mielniki - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Mielniki -> pl:Mielniki (województwo podlaskie)
Mielniki (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Olszowa Droga - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Olszowa Droga -> pl:Olszowa Droga (wieś)
Olszowa Droga (wieś)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Niewiarowo - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Niewiarowo -> pl:Niewiarowo (Polska)
Niewiarowo (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Godlewo - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Godlewo -> pl:Godlewo (Polska)
Godlewo (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Rosochate - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Rosochate -> pl:Rosochate (województwo podlaskie)
Rosochate (województwo podlaskie)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Siwki - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Siwki -> pl:Siwki (wieś)
Siwki (wieś)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Krusza - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Krusza -> pl:Krusza (Polska)
Krusza (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Popki - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Popki -> pl:Popki (Polska)
Popki (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Hieronimowo - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Hieronimowo -> pl:Hieronimowo (Polska)
Hieronimowo (Polska)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Hryniewicze - an affected OSM element that may be improved
pl:Hryniewicze -> pl:Hryniewicze (Polska)
Hryniewicze (Polska)

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(6802754)['wikidata'='Q7398164']['wikipedia'='pl:Sadzawki']; relation(6805527)['wikidata'='Q5758466']['wikipedia'='pl:Sucha Wieś']; relation(6813701)['wikidata'='Q4716033']['wikipedia'='pl:Aleksiejówka']; relation(6815298)['wikidata'='Q9313023']['wikipedia'='pl:Romanowce']; relation(6826502)['wikidata'='Q4850953']['wikipedia'='pl:Balinka']; relation(6828785)['wikidata'='Q5760709']['wikipedia'='pl:Kamionka Nowa']; relation(6836737)['wikidata'='Q5754135']['wikipedia'='pl:Podkamionka']; relation(6836744)['wikidata'='Q5753098']['wikipedia'='pl:Pawłowszczyzna']; relation(6837538)['wikidata'='Q6431130']['wikipedia'='pl:Pohorany']; relation(6843395)['wikidata'='Q6350470']['wikipedia'='pl:Mielniki']; relation(6856280)['wikidata'='Q5754272']['wikipedia'='pl:Olszowa Droga']; relation(6856454)['wikidata'='Q5732070']['wikipedia'='pl:Niewiarowo']; relation(6860526)['wikidata'='Q5576702']['wikipedia'='pl:Godlewo']; relation(6894464)['wikidata'='Q7369108']['wikipedia'='pl:Rosochate']; relation(6894465)['wikidata'='Q5619252']['wikipedia'='pl:Siwki']; relation(6896756)['wikidata'='Q5755061']['wikipedia'='pl:Krusza']; relation(6896945)['wikidata'='Q8145607']['wikipedia'='pl:Popki']; relation(7006761)['wikidata'='Q5739955']['wikipedia'='pl:Hieronimowo']; relation(7105716)['wikidata'='Q4447619']['wikipedia'='pl:Hryniewicze']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not']

wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag

network:wikidata=Q1139703 is present despite that not:network:wikidata=Q1139703 is also present - at least one of them is wrong
PR: Czeremcha - Siemianówka - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(14351237)['network:wikidata'='Q1139703']['not:network:wikidata'='Q1139703']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for operator prefixed tags

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q11196900 vs Q105387653 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Kościół pw. Jana Chrzciciela - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(244227221)['operator:wikidata'='Q11196900']['operator:wikipedia'='pl:Parafia św. Jana Chrzciciela w Augustowie']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for operator prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for parish prefixed tags

parish:wikidata and parish:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q108586366 vs Q108586367 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Kaplica cmentarna - an affected OSM element that may be improved

parish:wikidata and parish:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q108586366 vs Q108586367 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Kościół pw. Świętego Rocha - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(488537446)['parish:wikidata'='Q108586366']['parish:wikipedia'='pl:Parafia św. Rocha w Lemanie']; way(488537458)['parish:wikidata'='Q108586366']['parish:wikipedia'='pl:Parafia św. Rocha w Lemanie']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for parish prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for name:etymology prefixed tags

name:etymology:wikidata and name:etymology:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q28837649 vs Q236371 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Sadowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

name:etymology:wikidata and name:etymology:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q6983007 vs Q26615 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Wrzosowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

name:etymology:wikidata and name:etymology:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q207123 vs Q120105676 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Ziołowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

name:etymology:wikidata and name:etymology:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q207123 vs Q120105676 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Ziołowa - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(217424611)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q28837649']['name:etymology:wikipedia'='pl:Sad']; way(217424619)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q6983007']['name:etymology:wikipedia'='pl:Wrzos zwyczajny']; way(225005369)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q207123']['name:etymology:wikipedia'='pl:Zioła']; way(483782631)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q207123']['name:etymology:wikipedia'='pl:Zioła']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for name:etymology prefixed tags']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

Note to self: online version hosted at, files are stored at